Know All About PNR Number

What is PNR Number?

PNR is a very important number when purchasing a train ticket online. You can find the answer on this post on what PNR is, how to use it and how to get it.

PNR, PNR code or PNR number is an electronic information containing the numbers and letters given after booking a train ticket. PNR is an abbreviation for “passenger name record” and is also used as a booking number on a regional basis.

How to use PNR code?

The PNR (passenger name record) is a digital certificate that allows passengers to manage online check-in or their booking in a short period of time. Also used as a booking number, the passenger name record is a code with 10-digits number. This code allows passengers to manage their booking such as reprinting a lost train ticket or printing a ticket at the railway station. For this reason, passengers are required to keep this code after purchasing a train ticket online.

How to get PNR code?

After purchasing your train ticket online, the PNR code, include personal details about your train, is sent to you via SMS or email. To know your PNR code, please keep that SMS or check the relevant section of the digital file sent via email. It is very important for passengers purchasing tickets online to give their correct mobile number and email id. It is advisable to always cross check all contact details when buying train tickets online.

Where to check PNR Status Online?

The PNR status can be check online at Just you need to enter your 10-digit PNR number to know your current ticket status.

I hope, the above information is helpful for you. Please don’t forget to share it with your friends and relatives.

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